Business Support for Foreigners

We will assist you with various applications for schools, nursery schools, local governments, etc. in Japan, and also Japanese-English translation. 外国人のために、学校や自治体への各種申請書などを作成いたします。

Even if you want to use the system, there are cases where you are unable to do so because it is difficult to complete the application form.Preliminary investigation, mechanism explanation, application form creation and submission on behalf of the customer. For foreigners, various applications in Japan may be unfamiliar.

If you have a specific system you would like to apply for or If the purpose of use is clear, please feel free to contact us . We will help you with how to apply. (Contact:

Note: If you would like to inquire about whether there is a system that you can use, please first contact the administrative office. Once you have an idea of the system you want, we can help.

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